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Healing HeARTS Gallery
Celebrating Our UC Davis Health Community
"Orion Nebula"
Astrophotography - The Orion Nebula is one of the brightest nebulae visible to the naked eye. Not only is it visually appealing,but it has also allowed physicists to understand how stars and planetary systems are formed.
"I only got into astrophotography after the pandemic had become our new normal. Space has always. fascinated me - there is so much out there, and we are lucky enough to be able to view and capture stunning images of deep sky objects from our own backyards. Every image I take and every new object I learn about, I am filled with a newfound sense of amazement in both the beauty of these distant formations and the unknown secrets about the universe they may be hiding. On calm nights when it's only myself and the stars, it helps to know there's a whole universe out there."
Nikhil Jaha
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